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New Years Eve Golden Nugget - Marion, NC

by Joey Sacco on December 30, 2016

The City of Marion, NC approached us with one of the most odd requests we have ever received. They wanted us to make a new Golden Nugget to drop on Main Street in front of the court house on New Years! When they asked us, I had no idea how I was going to carry this one out. After thinking about it for a while, I thought it would look great as a modern sculpture with a random organic shape, like that of an actual nugget of gold. I started by making a few triangles, and welded them at random angles, and just kept going until it looked good to me. There is a door that allows access to the inside, which comprises of a few of the triangles welded to a piano hinge. We installed a BUNCH of LED light strips inside to make sure it really got some attention. On top of the lights, we thought it would be an even better, more obnoxious idea to take it to our buddy, Danny Rangel in Weaverville, to gold flake the entire thing to really make it pop!

From here going forward, until their is a replacement, this Golden Nugget is the New Years Eve staple of Marion, NC. We couldn't be happier to be able to offer one of our own metal sculptures as the item that is dropped every year on Main Street!


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